jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Extracción de ADN

Hola, Aquí tenéis las fotos de la extracción de ADN del hígado. Si accedéis con el móvil, seguid ESTE ENLACE.


miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Cells and reproduction

First of all, you can see the photographic gallery with your cells... you do a very good job!

(If you access the blog from your mobile phone, you can see the photographs on the following link)

Here you are the materials to work and study the unit 4, about reproduction:

View or download the vocabulary

View or download the presentation

Remind that your comments on the blog entries are very appreciated ;-)

Finally, you can see some very interesting videos about all the functions worked this term exemplified in the human beings.